山茶花が 霜で縁取り サンタの様

Full-scale winter has arrived.  It is said that there is heavy snowfall in Sanin, Hokuriku, Tohoku, and Hokkaido, and there are places where the snowfall exceeds 1 m.  I put on my heavy clothes and went for a walk in the morning, but my breath was pure white.  This is my first experience this winter.  The frost columns are not standing, I don’t know for sure but my feet are fluffy.  I found a sasanqua flower in the bush along the road, and when I force my way into the bush, I found the bright red flower bordered by frost.  For a moment I was reminded of Santa Claus costume.  It even looks warm.  Half a month left this year.  It’ll be serious year-end, but the cold weather gives me momentum.
