咲くも良し 桜花道 散るも良し

The early blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms fall in the wind of spring storm, and the petals are spread on the road in the early morning.  Since ancient times, many Japanese have seen the spirit of Bushido in the cherry blossoms that bloom and fall.  Bushido means the path that a samurai should take, but as Nitobe Inazo explained to Westerners, Bushido is the heart of the Japanese, and cherry blossoms are a symbol of it.  The song by Norinaga Motoori, a national scholar from the Edo period, expresses exactly that, “My heart as a Japanese is the heart that impresses me with the beauty of the wild cherry blossoms that shine in the morning sun”. The rose flower, which Westerners like, hides the thorns under the sweetness, boasts gorgeous colors and rich scents, and exposes the corpse to the branches as if it were obsessed with life, while the cherry blossoms that Japanese people like do not hide their blades or poisons under their beauty, their colors are not gorgeous, their scents are pale, and they scatter cleanly, Nitobe also explained.


飾り終え 今か今かと 雛祭り

From now on, various events and sales battles will be held toward the Hinamatsuri.  Some of the houses that decorate the Hinamatsuri may have already finished decorating, and some will decorate from now.  In general, many houses begin decorating Hinamatsuri from Risshun(the beginning of spring, 2/3 this year) to mid-February.  In particular, it is said that it is auspicious to decorate it with Usui(rainwater day, 2/18 this year), which is one of the 24 solar terms (agricultural calendar), so it seems that some houses decorate it from this day.  The photo shows the “hanging chicks” displayed in the “Hina no Yakata” in Izu Inatori Cultural Park, and is counted as one of the “three major hanging decorations in Japan” along with “Sagemon” in Yanagawa, Kyushu and “Kasafuku” in Sakata, Yamagata.  All of them are made as used clothing crafts of Japanese clothes, and you can feel the simplicity and love for children that gorgeous court Hina do not have.

これからは雛祭りに向かって様々なイベントや商戦が繰り広げられます。雛祭りを飾るお家でももう飾り終えたお家もあるでしょうし、まだこれからだと言うお家もあるかと思います。一般的には雛飾りは、立春(今年は2/3)から二月中旬くらいに掛けて飾り付けるお家が多いようです。特に二十四節気(農業暦)の一つである雨水(今年は2/18)に飾ると縁起がいいと言うことで、この日に飾り付けるお家もあるようです。写真は伊豆稲取文化公園にある「雛の館」に飾られた「吊るし雛」で、九州柳川の「さげもん」、山形酒田の「傘福(かさふく)」と共に「日本三大つるし飾り」に数えられています。どれも 和裁細工のさげ物で作られ、豪華な宮廷雛にはない素朴さと子供達に対する愛情が感じられます。

山焼きの 弾ける音に 春を聞く

Yamayaki(the mountain burning) and open burning are done all over Japan in early spring.  Yamayaki of Wakakusa-yama in Nara, which is held in January, is a famous event that thousands of spectators visit every year.  In addition, it is a major sightseeing event such as Izu Omuro-yama in the photo, Hakone Sengokuhara, Yamaguchi Akiyoshidai, and Kyushu Aso.  Originally, it was directly related to daily life such as shifting cultivation.  It had many advantages such as burning weeds, exterminating pests, promoting grass germination, and using burnt ash as fertilizer.  However, larger shifting cultivation and open burning that are being carried out all over the world are also the cause of global warming.  It is said that the large fires that occur every year in the Amazon basin and the Austrian wilderness also affect the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen on the earth.


アイスチョコ まさかまさかの バレンタイン

February 14 February St. Valentine’s Day is considered a day of love vows around the world.
During the Roman era, the Roman emperor Claudius II during the war banned soldiers from marrying to prevent them from falling in love with their families and lovers and demoralizing the army.
At that time, Christian priest St. Valentine (St. Valentine) secretly held a wedding ceremony for soldiers who wanted to get married.
 This incurred the Roman emperor’s anger, and St. Valentine was executed on February 14, 269.
After that, in Rome, this February 14th became the patron saint of men and women loved by the martyred St. Valentine, and in the 14th century it was the same Valentine’s Day as it is now.
On this day, in Japan, chocolates are given to lovers and acquaintances, but in many foreign countries, flowers and cards are given.

February 2月14日 St.Valentine’s Day(セントバレンタインデー)は世界各地で愛の誓いの日とされています。

キビナゴを 炙って味知る 下戸の酒

The season for Kibinago(silver-stripe round herring) is said to be from spring to early summer during the spawning season.  It is best to eat Kibinago with shirako and plenty of eggs as tempura.  However, although Kibinago is still a little small around this time in February, it is firm and oily, and when it is baked, the oil exudes and the unique aroma spreads, which is also the best.  Although it is used as a spring season word in haiku, Kibinago is delicious even when eaten in autumn.  In this way, there are ways to eat it matching for four seasons.  I can hardly drink alcohol, but I can’t forget the taste of raw sake that I drink a little while eating Kibinago.


雪篭り スマホ時代の 赤ポスト

“Kayabuki no Sato” Kyoto Miyama is a deep snowy place.  The retro red mailbox at the entrance of the village stands out.  Especially in winter when the area is all white.  How many people will use this post in the age of smartphones?  We don’t usually use it except when sending clerical documents or when sending a New Year’s card.  Even if the elderly write letters and postcards, most people now use smartphones and personal computers.  Even if there is a post, it is a large square post, and I can no longer see such a retro post.  It is a scene unique to “Kayabuki no Sato”.  For fun, I looked it up on Yahoo Auction and found that this red mailbox was on sale for 200,000 yen.


喧しき 憂き世は外に 早ザクラ

Japan is noisy now.  It’s a time when everyone is forced to refrain from corona, and even though it’s a time when they can’t freely work or study, it’s really annoying for more than 80 old men to say and do whatever they want.  In the “Gender Gap Index” released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020, Japan ranked 121st out of 153 countries and the lowest among the G7 developed countries.  I don’t takes swallow this index measured on a Western scale as whole, but when I look at the behavior of these old men now, I have to agree.  On the other hand, I am worried about Japan now, which allows these old men to domineering.  Does Japan really have the energy to confront it in this historic transformation of the 21st century?  It seems that only negative things stand out, and no new vitality is found.  Most of the generations who achieved the Meiji Restoration are in their thirties.  By comparison, the current prime minister is 72 years old, the resigned chairman of the Olipic Committee is 83 years old, and the successor chairman is 84 years old.  This does not activate society.  it’s the biological truth.


富士に梅 桜に菊が まほろばぞ

Which is the national flower of Japan, plum, cherry blossom, or chrysanthemum?  I think that many people can give cherry blossoms or chrysanthemums, but in reality, the national flower of Japan is not set.  As with the United States, there are many countries that do not have national flowers.  Japan is one of them, but I think that cherry blossoms are treated as quasi-national flowers domestically and chrysanthemums as quasi-national flowers externally.  However, both cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums have been associated with Japanese people after since the Heian period, but historically, plum blossoms have been popular since ancient times.  Before the Heian period, it seems that there was not much interest in cherry blossoms.  The chrysanthemum is closely related to the imperial family, but this is also from Emperor Go-Daigo at the end of the Heian period.  A lot of interesting facts come out when I investigate how Emperor Go-Daigo was obsessed with chrysanthemums.  Aside from that, what I would like to say today is that the national flower of Japan is plum blossoms.




コロナ禍も 光明差して 今日の富士

It seems that the number of people infected with corona is definitely decreasing, probably because of the effect of the state of emergency.  I agree with the extension until March 7th.  A little more patience.  It seems that the prospect of the vaccine has been at last in sight, and in order for the vaccine to be taken smoothly and quickly, it is essential to reduce the number of infected people.  This corona vaccine is quite effective, and so far the effect is 90%. The effect of influenza vaccine is 70% at best, and 60% on average, so you can see how effective it is.   It seems that the side reaction, which is a cause for concern, is extremely small. In Israel, which has the highest vaccination rate, 80% of the elderly aged 65 and over have already taken it.  Israel is a country with a population of less than 9 million, so Japan’s population is about 14 times that. From that point of view too, it is necessary to drastically reduce the number of people infected with corona.


妖しげに 咲くシロツバキは 椿姫

It’s been over 50 years since I saw Verdi’s famous opera “La Traviata”.  At that time, there was an organization called “Roen(Workers’ Theater Association)”,  and I think I watched it at the monthly meeting.  It was the first time I saw an opera and I remember being very impressed.  I found a white camellia blooming on the promenade, remembered that, and researched various things about “Tsubakihime(La Traviata)”. “Tsubakihime” is the title given in Japan, and the original title is “La Traviata (corrupted woman)”.  It was composed by Verdi, who was asked to make the play “Woman with Camellia Flowers (Tsubakihime)” by Alexandre Dumas Fiss (Small Dumas), which was a big hit around 1852, into an opera.  In the tragic love story between the high-class whore Violetta and the young aristocrat Alfredo, Tsubaki appears in the final scene.  When Alfredo is about to return, Violetta takes a flower from her breast and hands it to him, saying, “Come on the day when this flower changes color from red to white.”  This is the final farewell.  By the way, Violetta loved camellia, and she wore a white camellia for 25 days and a red camellia for 5 days in a month.

ヴェルディの有名な歌劇『椿姫』を観たのはもう50年以上の昔になります。当時「労演」と言う組織があり、毎月の例会で観劇した様に思います。歌劇を観たのはそれが初めてでとても感動したのを覚えています。散歩道に咲くシロツバキを見つけてそのことを思い出し、『椿姫』のことをいろいろ調べました。『椿姫』は日本で付けられた題名で, 原題は「ラ・トラヴィアータ(堕落した女)」です。1852年ごろ大当たりしていたアレクサンドル・デュマ・フィス(小デュマ)の戯曲「椿の花をつけた女(椿姫)」を歌劇にする様に依頼されたヴェルディが作曲しました。高級娼婦ヴィオレッタと青年貴族アルフレードの悲恋物語で、最後の場面に出てくるのが椿です。アルフレードが帰ろうとす際、ヴィオレッタが胸から一輪の花を取り出し、「この花の色が赤から白に変わった日においでください」と言って手渡します。これが最後の別れになります。ちなみにヴィオレッタは椿をこよなく愛し、1か月の内25日間は白い椿、5日間は赤い椿を身に付けていたそうです。