There are many types of daffodils, but they can be broadly divided into Nihon-suisen(Japanese daffodil) and Rappa-suisen(Narcissus daffodil). Nihon-suisen bloom from December to March of the following year, and Rappa-suisen in March and April. Daffodil has a secondary petal in the middle of the flower, and this is especially large, which is a characteristic of Rappa-suisen and is the origin of the name. Nihon-suisen are simply called daffodils, and are a Chinese name that compares the beautiful appearance of blooming on the waterside to a hermit. The English name of daffodil is Narcissus, but in the West, Narcissus is daffodil, which is derived from Greek mythology. Narcissus, a young boy, does not look at the many women who are fascinated by him, and throws himself intoxicated by his own beauty reflected on the surface of the water. The story ends with the fact that the daffodils bloomed there. It is also the etymology of narcissists. Nowadays, there are many places in Japan that are famous for Rappa-suisen colonies.
スイセンも沢山の種類がありましが、大きく分けるとニホンスイセンとラッパスイセンです。ニホンスイセンは12月から翌年の3月位にかけて咲き、ラッパスイセンは3月4月にさきます。スイセンには花の真ん中に副花弁があって、特にこれが大きいのがラッパスイセンの特徴であり、名前の由来です。ニホンスイセンは単に水仙ともいい 水辺に咲く美しい姿を仙人に例えた中国由来の名前です。スイセンの英語名はナルシスですが、西洋ではスイセンと言えばラッパスイセンのことで、ギリシャ神話に由来します。美少年ナルキッソスは彼に魅せられた沢山の女性には目もくれず、水面に映る自らの美貌に酔い痴れて身を投じます。そこに咲いたのがスイセンと言うお話です。ナルシストの語源でもあります。今では日本にもラッパスイセンの群生で有名な所が沢山あります。