People say “Happiness dwells over the mountain far to wander “
Alas, and I went in the crowd of the others
I came back with my eyes wet
People say “Happiness dwells over themountains far,
far away over there.”
Needless to say, it is Carl Hermann Busse’s “Over the Mountains “. This poem, recorded in Bin Ueda’s “Kaicho-on” has been far more popular in Japan than in Carl Hermann Busse’s homeland Germany. I think it depends largely on the translation of Bin Ueda. The words chosen as Shichigocho captured the hearts of the Japanese people. The admiration for the traditional Japanese wandering poet, followed by Noin Houshi, Saigyo, and Matsuo Basho, and the emptiness drawn from the impermanence shook my heart. When I go on a trip alone, when I come across a scene like the one in the picture, I think of this poem and another one, “How many mountains and rivers I need to cross Before I get to a land where loneliness never prevails? I’m prepared for this journey just as I was yesterday”. This tanka by Bokusui Wakayama is also a poem inspired by “Over the Mountains”.