Moss phlox is in full bloom on the foot of Mt. Fuji where the remaining snow is dazzling. It is one of the most beautiful Japanese landscapes that change from spring to summer. Every year, many people from all over the country come to the “Shibasakura Festival” held in Motosu, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, a spring event where 800,000 stocks and seven types of turf cherry blossoms bloom on the vast site at the foot of Mt. Fuji. It has been held since 2008, and it has expanded from a planting area of about 2.4ha at the beginning to an area of about 20ha (for 4.3 Tokyo Domes), which is more than eight times as large in 2020, and its grandeur attracts the world. It was introduced in “Japan’s 34 most beautiful places” selected by the major American news broadcasting station “CNN”, and many tourists from overseas also visit. However, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the number of Japanese tourists decreased due to the limited event last year, and the number of Japanese tourists increased this year, but few foreign tourists are found.
残雪が眩しい富士山に芝桜、春から夏に移り変わる折節の最も美しい日本の風景のひとつです。80万株、7種類の芝桜が富士山麓の広大な敷地に咲きほこる春のイベント、山梨県富士河口湖町本栖で開催される「芝桜まつり」には毎年全国各地から多くの人が押し寄せます。2008年から開催されており、当初は2.4haほどの植付面積から、2020年には8倍を超える約20ha(東京ドーム4.3個分)の面積にまで広がり、その雄大さは世界中を魅了するまでになっています。アメリカの大手ニュース放送局「CNN」が選んだ「日本でもっとも美しい場所36選(Japan’s 34 most beautiful places)」にも紹介され、海外からも多くの観光客が訪れます。しかし、新型コロナウイルスの影響で、昨年は限定開催で日本人観光客も減少、今年は日本人観光客は増えましたが、外国人観光客はほとんど見当たりません。