In one corner of the flower shop, flowers with blue-purple florets studded all over the plant are lined up. The center of the flower is yellow, and the contrast between bluish purple and yellow is attractive. It is a cute flower that is compact and round. Looking at the name tag, it says Exacam Affine, and in parentheses it says Benihime Rindoh. I was curious about the name Benihime Ridoh. I can understand the Rindoh. I don’t know the meaning of Benihime, but it probably means “cute”. I went home and looked it up. The origin of Exacam is Socotra Island called “Galapagos in the Indian Ocean”, and since it was separated from the continent millions of years ago, the flora and fauna have undergone unique evolution, and the Affine species is said to be one of them. After that, due to breeding, there are dwarf varieties with short plant height, double-flowered varieties, variegated leaf varieties, etc., which are distributed as pots. The original species is a relatively short-lived annual, but if heated, it will continue to bloom in winter. It has a strong fragrance and a good scent, and if you leave it in the room, the room will be filled with the scent.
花屋さんの一角に青紫色の小花を株一面にちりばめた花が並んでいます。花の中心部は黄色で、青紫色と黄色のコントラストが魅力的です。コンパクトに丸くまとまり可愛い花です。名札を見るとエキザカム・アフィネとあり、かっこして紅姫竜胆 とあります。紅姫竜胆と言う名前が気になりました。竜胆は分かります。紅姫の意味は分かりませんが、多分「可愛い」と言う意味合いでしょう。家に帰って調べました。エキザカムの原産地は「インド洋のガラパゴス」と呼ばれるソコトラ島で、数百万年前に大陸から分離したため動植物が独自の進化を遂げており、アフィネ種もその一つだそうです。その後品種改良により、草丈の低い矮性種や、八重咲き品種、斑入り葉品種などがあり、鉢物として流通しています。原種は比較的短命な一年草ですが、暖房すれば冬も咲き続けます。芳香が強くよい香りがし、部屋に置いておくと部屋中が香りで一杯になります。