The weather is like a lie in the rainy season. May is over today, and it’s June from tomorrow. The rainy season is yet to come every year, and it should be the best early summer season of the year like today, so it is natural. They say that autumn is the best sunset, or midsummer is the best, but the setting sun in the rainy season, when the dust and dirt in the atmosphere are washed away by the rainy season, is also exceptional. Everyone recognizes the beauty of the setting sun, from east to west, from ancient times to today. The “three major sunsets in the world” are the sunsets in Kushiro, Bali, and Manila Bay, but no, some say that the sunset seen from Santorini in the Aegean Sea is the most beautiful in the world, while others say that the setting sun in the bright red Gobi Desert robbed their souls. If you travel the world, the sunset in each land is the best for that person. The sunset in the photo is the sunset over Nishi Izu, which is also the best in the world.