寒いけど ひなたポカポカ 梅日和 It’s very cold, Yet in the warm sunlight, A plum-blossom day.

In the hilly terrain of Jōyō City, located south of Kyoto City and midway to Nara City, lies the largest Aodani Ume Grove in Kyoto Prefecture. Covering an area of approximately 20 hectares, the grove boasts around 10,000 plum trees of five varieties, including the locally grown Jōshūhaku and Shirokaga. Although currently only 50% in bloom, from late February to mid-March, it transforms into a breathtaking spectacle with full blossoms, blanketing the entire area in a sea of white, resembling the spread of a large white cloth. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of plums.
While the exact origin of Aodani Ume Grove is unclear, it has long been renowned as one of Japan’s leading plum orchards. A waka poem composed by Prince Munenaga, a son of Emperor Go-Daigo, who once resided in this area, remains as a testament to its historical significance, suggesting that it was cherished by people as early as the Kamakura period. Umeboshi (pickled plums) made from Jōshūhaku are particularly popular for their large size, soft flesh, and a peach-like aroma. Additionally, the enticing fragrance is utilized to produce plum syrup and plum wine, which are also available for purchase.


大雪で さくら祭りも 上がったり Due to heavy snowfall  The cherry blossom festival  Is also ruined

Due to the impact of heavy snow, it seems that the cherry blossom festival in Kawazu Town, Izu, is experiencing a significant decline in visitors. In the Kanto and Koshin regions, snow continued to fall from the 5th to the morning of the 6th, with reports of a potential heavy snow warning even in the 23 wards of Tokyo. The Kawazu Sakura Festival, which used to start from February 10th until two years ago, is now affected by global warming, beginning on February 1st and running until the end of the month, the 29th. Despite attracting crowds mainly from the Kanto region, even on weekdays, today, as shown in the photo, there is not a single person around. It seems to be reserved exclusively for locals. As expected, it’s “Great Cold”. It is the ulterior motive that is trying to make you look forward to spring by imposing a final test.


金柑の 数だけ落ちる 夕日かな The setting sun Reflecting on each kumquat As many sunsets as kumquats

I placed the kumquats we received in a bamboo basket by the window. As the afternoon turns to 5 o’clock, the once-dark dusk now bathes in sunlight. The rays illuminate each individual kumquat, creating as many sunsets as there are kumquats. Taking a bite, you experience a faint bitterness followed by a refreshing acidity, and then a prominent sweetness spreads in your mouth. It is truly a moment to feel the blessing of the sun. Since childhood, I have been fed kumquats with the belief that they prevent colds. Even now, when I visit the supermarket, I see them sold in mesh bags. Occasionally, I buy kumquat throat lozenges. Each one reminds me of the kumquats that used to grow in the backyard, creating a nostalgic and heartwarming feeling.


呪言(ことほぎ)の 春立つ障子は 花盛り The shoji screens Adorned with flowers in full bloom The first day of spring

Continuing from yesterday, today marks the first day of spring in the 24 solar terms, signifying the beginning of the year. On the other hand, the year according to the lunar calendar (solar and lunar calendar) begins on February 10th this year, and this day marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year. In Japan, the tradition of celebrating the ‘Old New Year’ persists in some regions, particularly in Okinawa and the southwestern islands. When we were children, we often heard about the Lunar New Year still. However, in contemporary Japan, New Year’s celebrations have firmly established themselves during the first three days of January in the Gregorian calendar.
The resurgence of interest in the Lunar New Year is attributed to China’s Spring Festival. With the rapid economic development of China, many Chinese people visit Japan during the Spring Festival, and the phenomenon of ‘explosive buying’ became a topic of conversation. Looking around neighboring countries, Japan is unique in celebrating the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar. In China, Taiwan, and Singapore, it’s the ‘Spring Festival,’ in Korea, it’s ‘Seollal,’ in Vietnam, it’s ‘Tet,’ and in Malaysia, it’s the ‘Chinese New Year’—all of which are based on the old lunar calendar.
While Japan celebrates the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar, traditional events following the old lunar calendar and the 24 solar terms are abundant throughout the year, starting with today’s first day of spring. It’s a curious country.


この先は どうぞ息災にと 豆を撒き We scatter beans Wishing us good luck and health From now on

Today is Setsubun, tomorrow is the beginning of spring (Risshun), and the 10th is the New Year’s Day of the old lunar calendar. This time of year feels like spring is rapidly approaching. While Risshun marks the start of the year in the 24 solar terms based on the sun’s movement along the ecliptic, the old lunar New Year falls on the first day of the “old calendar,” determined by the phases of the moon. When combined with the new calendar’s January 1st, Japan has three different beginnings of the year. While the new calendar’s New Year is fixed on January 1st, the old lunar New Year varies between January 22nd and February 19th, depending on the new moon day, making it different each year. Although Japan’s New Year is almost always on January 1st, in countries like China, Taiwan, Korea, and some Southeast Asian nations, the old lunar New Year is celebrated as the New Year. China’s New Year, known as the Spring Festival (Chun Jie), is well-known in Japan as well. The Spring Festival in 2024 is an 8-day holiday from February 10th (Saturday) to February 17th (Saturday), and many Chinese visitors are expected in Japan during this period.


菜の花と 残雪映す しがの春 Rape blossoms and Reflections of lingering snow Shiga’s spring

In the first Nagisa Park in Moriyama City, located on the eastern shore of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, approximately 12,000 early-blooming rape blossoms, known as Kanzaki Hanana, are in full bloom. The contrast between these flowers and the snow-capped Hira Mountains on the opposite shore reflected on the lake’s surface heralds the arrival of spring along the lakeshore. In mid-January, the rape blossoms, which usually begin blooming one week earlier than usual, faced a setback due to a cold snap, but they still reached full bloom earlier than usual. Like cherry blossoms, rape blossoms bloom nationwide and represent spring. In the southern part of the Izu Peninsula, at Shimo-Kamo Onsen, both rape blossoms and Kawazu cherry blossoms bloom simultaneously during this season. In many other regions, rape blossoms bloom alongside cherry blossoms from March to April, and even after cherry blossoms have finished blooming, rape blossoms often continue to bloom. The rape blossoms in Yokohama Town, Aomori Prefecture, home to Japan’s largest rape blossom field, bloom from mid-May to early June. Thus, both cherry blossoms and rape blossoms bloom somewhere in Japan for about six months.


コンビニも あの手この手で 恵方巻き Convenience stores too, with various tricks, offer Ehomaki.

On February 3rd, the day after tomorrow, is Setsubun. When it comes to Setsubun, in the past, people used to roast soybeans and throw them towards the window, saying ‘Oni wa soto’ (Demons out). After scattering the beans, they would close the windows. Then, they would say ‘Fuku wa uchi’ (Fortune in) while throwing beans inside the room. This ritual was performed from the innermost room to the entrance, and finally, beans were thrown at the entrance. Afterward, people would eat the same number of beans as their age plus one, symbolizing the dispelling of misfortune for the new year.
However, nowadays, the tradition of eating ‘Ehomaki’ (lucky direction sushi rolls) has become more popular on Setsubun. Many households no longer engage in the bean-scattering ritual. The origin of Ehomaki is unclear, but it is believed to have started in the late Edo period in Osaka’s Senba district. It became a custom in some parts of Kansai, and in the 1990s, major convenience stores popularized it nationwide. Now, it’s firmly established that people eat Ehomaki on Setsubun. The term ‘Eho’ refers to the direction where the deity ‘Saitokujin’ (god of good fortune for the year) resides, determining the year’s fortune. Eating rolled sushi facing that direction led to the name ‘Ehomaki.’
The location of Saitokujin changes every year, and this year’s lucky direction is ‘Northeast by East, slightly East.’ On February 3rd, people across the country will enjoy Ehomaki facing this direction. Just imagining it brings joy.

明後日2月3日は節分です。節分と言えば、一昔前までは、炒った大豆を、先ず窓に向かって『鬼は外』と言いながら撒き、豆をまいた部屋の窓は 締め、次に『福は内』と言いながら部屋の中に豆を撒きます。 これを一番奥の部屋から順に行い、最後に玄関で豆を撒きます。その後、 自分の数え年より1つ多くの数の豆を食べて、「新年の厄払い」をしたものです。
しかし今では節分には「恵方巻き」を食べる習慣が定着し、豆まきもしなくなった家が多くなりました。恵方巻の発祥ははっきりしていませんが、江戸時代の末期に大阪の船場で始まったと言う説が有力です。それが関西の一部で習慣になり、1990年代に大手コンビニエンスストアが全国的に広めたことから、今ではすっかり節分には恵方巻きを食べると言う習慣が定着しました。「恵方」とは、その年の幸運を司る神様「歳徳神(としとくじん)」がいる方角まうを指します。 その方角を向いて食べる巻き寿司と言う事から「恵方巻き」と名付けられました。
歳徳神のいる場所は年によって変わります。 今年の恵方は「東北東やや東」です。2月3日には、全国各地でこの方角を向いて多くの人達が恵方巻きを頬張るのです。想像しただけでも愉快ですね。