老木に 初々しくも 若桜

A fresh young cherry tree has bloomed on the old cherry tree. It is mysterious where the vitality to make such an old tree bloom such a beautiful flower is hidden. However, this young cherry tree will be scattered after a week. The contrast between instantaneous life and eternal life makes us think deeply.

老木に今年もみずみずしく若い桜が咲きました。こんな老木にこんなにも美しい花を咲かせる活力が隠されているのは不思議です。 しかし、この若い桜も一週間もたてばやがて散ってしまいます。 一瞬の命と永遠の命を目の前にして、深く考えさせられます。

三椏の 和紙に滲んだ 恋模様

The paper(western paper) we usually use is made mainly from softwood or hardwood trunks (pulp). However, Japanese paper(washi) is made from wood bark. The main plants used to make Japanese paper include kozo, mitsumata, and ganpi. Washi is more beautiful and durable than Western paper. Therefore it is used for art supplies and banknotes.

私達が日常的に使っている紙(洋紙)は、針葉樹や広葉樹の幹(パルプ)から作られます。 しかし、和紙は木の樹皮から作られています。 和紙に使われる主な植物は、こうぞ、みつまた、かんぴなどです。 和紙は洋紙よりも美しくて丈夫です。 したがって、画材や紙幣に使用されます。

よく見れば このシャガ僕に あかんべえ

Flowers are generally beautiful, but some are very unusual. Flowers like dolls, flowers like monkeys, flowers like skulls, flowers that eat insects, flowers that become transparent when wet with water, etc. they are really rich in variety. The shaga in the picture pulls down the lower eyelid of one eye and sticks out the tongue as a gesture of rejection to me.

花は一般的に美しいですが、非常に珍しいものもあります。 人形のような花、サルのような花、頭蓋骨のような花、昆虫を食べる花、水に濡れると透明になる花など、写真のシャガはよく見ると、僕にあかんべえをしているようです。

春花壇 見慣れた花は 古女房

Colorful flowers bloom in spring. We tend to be fascinated by unusual flowers or popular flowers and tend not to be impressed with familiar flowers. However, if you look closely at the familiar flowers, they will be very beautiful, and you will notice the goodness that you have been used to for a long time. And you can see why those flowers were so close.


生け花で じっと我慢の 花見時

New coronavirus infections have spread to 174 countries and regions worldwide. The cumulative total of infected people has exceeded 440,000 and the number of dead has exceeded 20,000. Leaders from all over the world have warned that this is a crisis since World War II. I feel as if I’m watching the movie “Alien”. Despite the season when spring weather brings everybody outdoors, it is not allowed.


春陽浴び 岩場和らぐ 蔦葉海蘭

When traversing the rocky gardens , Tsutaba-unran are blooming cute flowers. They are usually flowers that bloom in summer, but may have been deceived on a warm spring sunshine. I am fascinated by the flowers and forget the fear of traverse for a while.


鴨川の 春風優し 柳かな

The willows along the Kamogawa River in Kyoto have begun to sprout. The cool of the wind blowing on the river has become a pleasant season. The willows Yanagi also are swaying comfortably according to the breeze.


花桃に コロナ退治の 願を掛け

Hanamomo is a peach that has been improved to appreciate flowers.The flowering season reaches its peak around the time when the cherry blossoms bloom, and bright pink, red and white flowers color the spring garden. Peach has long been said to bring a good luck in China, getting rid of disaster. The arrival to Japan is old, and it is said that it is the Yayoi period.


菜の花や 山のあなたに なお遠く

In front of me spreads a young leafy meadow. Nanohana flowers are blooming and sometimes a soaring skylark is singing. Far beyond there are mountains and mountains. Unintentionally, I hummed Karl Busse’s poem “Über den Bergen(Over the mountains)”.


桜より あやめが先の 彼岸かな

Cherry buds swell little by little at the beginning of the equinoctial week and begin to bloom all at once at the end. However, this year Ayame irises are blooming in the middle of the equinoctial week. In normal years, irises begin to bloom after the cherry blossoms have fallen, and the best time to see them is early May.
