柏手を 思わず打つや 白木蓮

Today is the anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred nine years ago. Right now, pneumonia caused by coronavirus is in the epidemic in the world. Looking at the white magnolia blooming on the promenade, I involuntarily clasped and prayed to God.


散り時を 富士に合わせて 梅の花

There are many areas where plum blossoms are completely scattered, but there are still places where flowers are at their peak in cold regions. It seems that plums standing on the shores of Lake Kawaguchi judge the falling time of the flowers in accordance with the melting snow of Mt. Fuji.


ウイルスに 負けるな老梅 ここにあり

Old plum is blooming the last flower this year. Right now humanity is being fierecely attacked by a nemesis virus. Nature is in this way, on the one hand friendly to mankind, on the other hand hostile. This has being repeated forever from the past to the future. Now the old plum is sending an ale to mankind, “Do not lose to the virus.”


たんぽぽの そばでゆっくり ひとやすみ

In the daytime, I went for a walk along with sunbathing. As walking, I gradually felt warm and began to sweat. Dandelions were blooming just beside the road. I felt close to the dandelion that I didn’t usually care about and sat down next to it. I felt very relaxed.


青天に 今日にも開かん 紫木蓮

Speaking of Mokuren, it is usually this purple magnolia. The magnolia flower is purple on the outside and white on the inside. Those with white flowers are distinguished from Mokuren and are referred to as Haku-Mokuren. There is Kobushi in flower similar to Haku-Mukuren, and it is easy to be confused because it is very similar. Every flower is a flower that gives off a good scent and tells spring.


一斉に 夕陽を拝む 冬知らず

Calendula has the Japanese name “Kinsenka”. It is a plant of the Chrysanthemum family and they are distributed all over the world. It blooms mainly in winter and is used for food and herbs. The calendula in the photo has Japanese name “Don’t know winter” and keeps blooming throughout the winter, facing the sun all day.


遊歩道 歩むに歩めぬ 花絨毯

Early blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms are scattered throughout the promenade by the wind in the last night, and are like the carpet. There are no footprints. I think it was because no one could walk because of too much beauty.


木瓜(ぼけ)咲くと 思いだすのは 墓参り

When the bokeh flowers in the garden bloom, I care about visiting graves. I don’t know why, but it’s surely because the bokeh flowers begin to bloom in early March. Another reason may be that the bokeh flowers that were blooming when I visited the grave in the past were impressive.


華やかに 春を告げるや 雛節句

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

The Hinamatsuri is a day to pray for the healthy growth of girls and a day to announce the beginning of spring. This year, however, pneumonia caused by the coronavirus spread worldwide and is depressing. We hope to get out of this situation quickly and have a bright and lively spring.


紅白の 落花椿で 雛飾り

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

Many flowers fall with each petal, but camellia falls with the whole flower. So fallen camellia can be often decorated like an ikebana. Today, we have floated red and white camellia in a large vase to make a Hina decoration.
