み吉野の 桜はやっぱり 天下一

Yoshino in Nara Prefecture has been known for its cherry blossoms since ancient times. About 30,000 cherry blossoms trees of about 200 species grow thick all over the mountains. In spring, fleeting and pretty mountain cherry blossoms cover the entire mountains from ridge to ridge and from valley to valley for about a month. It appeared in Kojiki and Nihonshoki in the old days, and has been visited by many literary men and experts in calligraphy or ink drawing since then. In addition, many historic sites related to Shugendo, Yoshitsune Minamoto, Emperor Godaigo, Saigyo, etc. are still preserved in this area.


名残惜し コロナで閉じた 桜かな

The cherry blossoms that began to bloom in January early have finally begun to fall except the northern countries and mountains. The pneumonia caused by coronavirus that occurred at the same time spread the infection all over the world in an instant, and its momentum is still strong. Movement around the world has stopped and remains silent. It is a historical dark age. The cherry blossoms had bloomed wonderfully as usual, but few visitors came. The cherry blossoms are probably disappointed too. We want to pass through this flower carpet and find hope as soon as possible.


神代知る 時経て尚も 若桜

There is a cherry tree, which is said to be 2000 years old, in the temple grounds of Jisso-ji Temple in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Pre. People call it “Yamataka Jindai Sakura”. It is a cherry tree that is said to have been planted during the eastern expedition by Yamato Takeru, a traditional hero in ancient Japanese history. It is 14m high, 11m around the trunk, and branches 30m in the north, south, east, and west. The trunk looks like a torn rock and It is supported by many splints and even looks painful. But it still makes youthful and wonderful flowers bloom every year, so we’re amazed by the vital force and moved. It is exactly the incarnation of Uba-Sakura, an old woman cherry. The species, however, traveled in space, so it is also the cherry blossom at the cutting edge of the times.


ポピー明るく 元気弾ける 休校生

Spring flowers are in full bloom at Kyuhouji Ryokuchi Park in Yao City, Osaka. California-Poppy stands out among them. The bright orange color catches the eye from a distance. The park is full of school children whose school was closed. It’s an atmosphere where men and women of all ages can’t lose to the coronavirus.


悠々と 水の都の 桜かな

The Yodo River flows down from Kyoto, and meanders in Kema, the birthplace of Yosa Buson, and reaches the present Okawa River (former Yodo River). Cherry blossoms are in full bloom on both banks of the Okawa River in spring, making it one of the major attractions in Osaka. Immediately downstream, there is Nakanoshima, and rice was brought in from all over the country during the Edo period, and many rice breweries were built, which was called the “Kitchen of Japan”.


花よ花 今咲き誇れ 憂き世こそ

The world is quieting down. People are sparse in Tokyo, New York, London, Paris and the big cities of the world. Human beings have no choice but to endure in the house, exposed to the norovirus attack. Neither nuclear missiles, nuclear carriers, nor F22s helps at all. Humans fight each other in trivial reasons, spending enormous money on their arms, but spending only one millionth of them on fighting Norovirus. How stupid humanity is! The true enemy of humanity is nature. At the same time, don’t forget to be a true friend too.

世界は静まり返っています。 東京、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、パリ、そして世界の大都市では、ほとんど人影はありません。ノロウイルスの総攻撃に晒され、じっと家の中で耐え忍んでいるだけです。 核ミサイルや原子力空母、最新鋭の戦闘機F22はまったく役に立ちません。人類はつまらない理由で互いに戦い、その為に莫大なお金を費やしていますが、ノロウイルスとの戦いにはたった100万分の1しか使いません。人類の真の敵は自然です。と 同時に、真の友達であることも忘れないでください。

いらっしゃい バニーガール宜しく ラベンダー

French lavender is in bloom at the entrance of a cafe that has been renovated from an old folk house. The lovely flower ears that reminds me of a bunny girl’s ears are impressive. The flower ears are arranged in a ball shape, giving a gentle atmosphere overall. Compared to English lavender, the scent is slightly reduced, but it emits a sweet scent, and the scent of coffee flowing from the store blends well and invites me to the store naturally.

古民家を改装したカフェの入り口にフレンチラベンダーが咲いています。バニーガールの耳を想わせる愛らしい花穂が印象的です。花穂はボール状にまとまり、全体的に優しい雰囲気が漂っています。 イングリッシュラベンダーと比べると、香りはやや落ちますが、甘い香りを放ち、店先から流れてくるコーヒーの香りがうまく溶け合って、自ずとお店に誘います。

山吹の 夕陽に映えて 鐘の音

In the evening, when I drop at a nearby temple, a spectacular Yamabuki is blooming in one corner of the precincts. The bright yellow and green leaves shine in the setting sun and are more vivid. Just at the time the bells telling at six ring out in the precincts. Involuntarily, I have thanked for the safety of the day today, and put my hands together in prayer to the setting sun.


散り桜 朧に浮かぶ 聖天堂

Cherry blossoms at the famous temple Negoro-ji Temple in Iwade City, Kishu Wakayama Pre.have begun to dance. Cherry blossoms scattered in the pond at the precincts covered the surface of the water out, and the Shouten-do (Gyoja-do) standing beside the pond is been reflecting on the surface of the water with the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossom viewers are sparse due to the influence of the coronavirus, but the scenery transitions remain unchanged this year too.

紀州和歌山県岩出市にある名刹根来寺の桜が舞い始めました。 境内の聖天池にも散った桜がいちめんに広がり、池の傍に立つ聖天堂(行者堂)が桜と共に水面に映っています。コロナウイルスの影響でお花見客は少ないですが、折節の変わる景色は今年も変わりません。

野いちごを 隠れん坊で 見つけた日

As I was walking along the path, wild strawberry flowers were blooming in the grass. I suddenly remembered that old day. I was playing hide-and-seek with my neighbors children and I was hiding in the grass. When I push my way through the grass as tall as my height, the red ripe wild strawberries were growing all over there. Unconsciously l, I picked them up and had my mouth full, but soon the sourness spread throughout my mouth. I still remember that tears were about to come out.
