来し方を 思い起こすや 一輪草

When I was walking on a village road surrounded by trees, Ichirinso, a single flower, was blooming in a sunny spot. As the name implies, only one flower is attached to the tip of the stem. Speaking of which, this flower has a very romantic legend: Once upon a time, while one star was looking far below the world, it became sleepy and in the end fell to the ground. And it became a single flower. That flower is Ichirinso.


花水木 姿も響きも 心地よし

When the cherry blossoms begin to scatter, the Hanamizuki, dogwood, begin to bloom. Hanamizuki is a flower that Americans love just as Japanese people love cherry blossoms. Planting in Japan began in 1915 as a return after Yukio Ozaki, the mayor of Tokyo at the time, presents cherry blossoms (Somei-Yoshino) to Washington, D.C., USA. Therefore, it has only been about 100 years since Hana-Mizuki took root in Japan. Red and white splendid Hamizuki trees are planted at Nison-in Temple in Sagano, Kyoto, but are now found everywhere in Japan. There is also a famous road bordered by a line of Hanamizuki all over Japan, which heals the hearts of many people.


まほろばは さくら花咲く 我が里ぞ

April 8 is the day of the “Flower Festival” today. It’s the birthday of Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. We Japanese celebrate this day regardless of religion. It is customary to celebrate by applying sweet tea to a small Buddha statue in connection with the fact that when the Buddha was born, he used pure perfume to purify himself. Spring blossoms bloom in the grounds of any temple, providing a peaceful day.


ワンちゃんも 春に浮かれて 花筏

Cherry blossoms have begun to scatter. In contrast, the coronavirus is increasingly rampant in the world. As a result, the number of visitors to cherry blossom spots throughout Japan has dropped, and this year is a lonely cherry blossom viewing season. I can’t predict how long this situation will last, but we must fight against them by making the most of human wisdom and unity. This is the greatest challenge of the century.

桜が散り始めました。 これとは対照的に、コロナウイルスは世界でますます猛威を奮っています。 その影響で、全国の桜の名所はどことも花見客は激減し、今年は寂しいお花見シーズンとなりました。 この状況がいつまで続くかは予断をゆるしませんが、人類の叡智と団結力を最大限に発揮して戦わねばなりません。 人類が勝つか、ウィルスが勝つか、これは世紀の最大の戦争です。

超人気 ネモフィラ背にして 花海棠

Nemophila, like a forest fairy, has a clear blue flower, and is often used for spring flower beds and container planting. There are also large Nemophila parks here and there in Japan. By contrast, Kaido is a representative spring flower in Japan, just like cherry blossoms, but few people know its name. Kaido is a noble and beautiful flower that can be compared to the typical beauty of China, Yang Kuei-fei.

ネモフィラは、森の妖精のように澄んだ青い花を持ち、春の花壇やコンテナ植えによく使用される人気の花です。 日本にはあちこちに大規模なネモフィラ公園もあり、大勢の人達が押し寄せているほどです。 一方、海棠(かいどう)は桜と同じく日本を代表する春の花ですが、その名前を知る人はほとんどいません。 海棠は、中国を代表する美人である楊貴妃に例えられるほど、高貴で美しい花です。

たんぽぽに 命を繋ぐ 落ち椿

Many children play in the nearby park despite the weekday. It’s because the school is closed due to the coronavirus. On the other hand, the camellia flowers blooming beside the promenade are starting to scatter in a warm sunny day. Dandelions bloom on the ground, and many camellia flowers fall down also around it. It’s like passing the baton to the next season.

平日にもかかわらず、多くの子供たちが近くの公園で遊んでいます。 コロナウイルス感染防止の為学校が閉鎖されているからです。 一方、遊歩道では、ツバキがどんどん花を落とし始めました。 地面にはタンポポが咲き、その周りにもたくさんの椿の花が落ちています。 まるで季節を繋ぐ命のバトンタッチの様です。

落花して 鏡に映った 椿の様

Camellia flowers fall down with one whole flower. On the other hand, the flower of sasanqua falls every petal. Camellia and sasanqua are very similar, but can be distinguished by how the flowers scatter. Today (4/4) the camellia of the nearby park was scattered all over. The fallen camellia is still alive, as if the camellia was reflected in a mirror on the ground.

椿の花はひとつの花丸ごとで落ちます。 一方、山茶花の花は花びらが一枚一枚落ちます。 椿と山茶花は非常に似ていますが、花がどのように散るかによって判別できます。

今日(4/4)は近くの公園の椿が青い草の上一面に散り落ちていました。 落ちた椿は生き生きとしていて、まるで椿が地面に置いた鏡に映っているかのように見えました。

明け六つの 鐘を桜と 共に聞き

At 6:30 every morning, a nearby temple hears a bell that tells the time. This bell not only tells the time, but also encourages us, “Let’s do our best all day today!” In the past, these temple bells were everywhere in Japan, but now they are only found in a limited number of towns and villages. Some municipalities sound chimes instead, but I sti prefer temple bells.

毎朝6時30分に、近くの寺院から時刻を知らせる鐘の音が聞こえてきます。 この鐘は時刻を告げるだけでなく、「今日一日頑張ろう!」と励ましているように思えます。 昔、これらの鐘は日本全国至る所にありましたが、今では限られた町や村でしかありません。 代わりにチャイムを鳴らす自治体もありますが、私はやはり寺院の鐘を好みます。


竹の子の 旬で味わう 春の味

The season for bamboo shoots has arrived. Speaking of bamboo shoot dishes, there are cooked rice and boiled dishes with bamboo shoot. Recently, bamboo shoots dishes in foreign countries have been a bit of a boom, especially in Dubai in the Middle East. Amid global interest in health foods, bamboo shoot dishes are low in calories and besides nice.

タケノコの季節がやってきました。 タケノコ料理と言えば、炊き込みご飯とタケノコの煮物があります。 最近、竹の子料理は世界的にもちょっとしたブームで、特に中東のドバイではとても人気があるそうです。 健康食品への世界的な関心の中で、タケノコ料理はカロリーが低く、しかも美味しいですからなおさらです。

柳吹き 桜祭りは 長瀬川

The Takase River, which flows through Yao City, connects the two major rivers of Osaka, the Yamato River and the Yodo River. It was originally a tributary of the Yodo River, but was separated from the Yodo River by flood control work, and its name has now changed to Takase River. The present Takase River has no reminiscent of the Yamato River era, and is a narrow canal. There is a row of cherry blossoms along the river, which is crowded with cherry blossoms, but this year the number of visitors is very small due to the coronavirus.

八尾市を流れる高瀬川は、大阪の二大河川である大和川と淀川を結んでいます。 もともとは淀川の支流でしたが、度重なる水害を避ける為、治水工事により淀川と切り離され、現在は高瀬川と改称されています。 現在の高瀬川は、大和川時代の面影はなく、細い疏水になっています。 川沿いは桜並木になっていて今頃は沢山の花見客で賑わうのですが、今年はコロナウイルスの影響で、来場者もちらほらです。