When looking at iris, most of Japanese people always remember a famous Japanese tanka poem. It is a tanka composed by Narihira Ariwara. If you’re interested in Japanese tankas and hear that it’s a poem about Kakitsubata iris, the first thing that comes to your mind is this poem. This is because almost 100% of school textbooks adopts this tanka. The content of the song is not familiar to high school students, but it is probably adopted because many of the tanka techniques are used in this short poem with 31 sounds. Not only that, but in the old days, seven tankas have been sung in Manyoshu, and until today, they are so familiar that they can be seen everywhere in this season.
から衣 着つつ慣れにし 妻しあれば はるばる来ぬる 旅をしぞ思う