廃船に そっと寄り添う イバラかな

The beach is so dazzling in early summer sunlight. There is no figure, only the sound of waves is heard. An abandoned ship that has decayed on the white sands caught my eye. When approaching, the thorny roses are entwined over the bow and flowers are blooming. I couldn’t control the emotional heightening. My thoughts spread, deepened, and tears began to ooze out.


先は海 若草なびく 下田路

The Shimoda Kaido is known as Shimoda Michi once and is a 70km route from Mishima Juku on the Tokai Do via Shuzenji, Yugashima, Amagi Pass, Kawazu-Nanataki, and Yugano to Shimoda. At the end of the Edo period, Shoin Yoshida, who had planned an America stowaway, crossed the Amagi Pass and aimed for Shimoda in order to go aboard a Black Boat. American diplomat Harris to the contrary went to Edo from Shimoda in order to conclude the US-Japan Amity and Trade Treaty. It became more famous for being the stage of Yasunari Kawabata’s “Izu Dancer”. In the early summer, the Izu Kogen, which crossed the Amagi Pass, has young grass fluttering in the wind, and a vast ocean spread far ahead.


座禅して 牡丹は消えず 建仁寺

I went to Kenninji Temple in Kamakura to see the peony. Speaking of Zen temples, I have a strong impression that it is associated with ink painting and is a monotone world, but the Kenninji temple I visited was too different from my image. Peony was in full bloom, and the trees were decorated with young leaves. Just on that day, there was an event of zazen and sermon , so I participated in zazen and organized zazen for one hour, but all the while the peony did not disappear from my head, and finally I can’t attain the state of selflessness.


薄紅に カールがお似合い 日日草

The Nichinichiso shown in the photo is a new variety called “Nichinichiso cup bloom” and is very popular. The Nichinichiso is a flower that blooms with a lot of energy even under the hot summer sun with smiling. Strong against exhaust gas, durable and long-lasting, it continues to bloom from early summer to autumn. However, the life of each flower is short, a few days. Madagascar island in the Indian Ocean, as the English name is Madagascar periwinkle, is native to the island. And it was introduced to Japan in the Edo period as early and has been loved by the common people to this day.

写真の日日草は「日日草のカップ咲き」と呼ばれる新品種で、とても人気があります。日日草は、夏の炎天下にも元気いっぱい、微笑むように咲く花です。排ガスにも強く、丈夫で長持ち、初夏から秋口まで咲き続けます。と言っても、一つ一つの花の寿命は短く、2、3日です。英名がMadagascar periwinkleと言うようにインド洋に浮かぶマダガスカル島が原産ですが、日本には早く江戸時代には伝わり、庶民にも親しまれてきました。

陽光を 撥ねて煌めく 万華鏡

Mangekyo,kaleidoscope, is one of the hydrangea varieties that has become very popular at once, shining in the “Japan Flower of the Year 2012″. “Shimane Prefecture Hydrangea Study Group” created this flower by adding breed improvement from “Kumiko Hydrangea” of western hydrangea. The name comes from the fact that each petal that creates a gradation color that gradually fades from the center gathers and looks like a kaleidoscope. It is always in a short supply flower despite being traded at high prices.


睡蓮の 輝く葉っぱで 一眠り

The young leaves of the water lily are shining. Flowers seem not to be the main but to be an accessory. I thought it would be nice to take a nap on this leaf. The flower word for water lilies is “a pure heart.” The scientific name “Nymphaea” comes from the water fairy Nymph. German poet Heine saw the water lilies and deplored;”I don’t know where women are angels or where they are devils.”. In this way, water lilies are also regarded as flowers with a magical potential somewhere. In any case, the idea that water lilies are so beautiful is the same everywhere.

睡蓮の若葉が輝いています。花が添え物のようです。この葉の上で昼寝したらさぞ気持ちいいだろうな、と思いました。睡蓮の花言葉は「清純な心」。学名の「Nymphaea」は水の妖精Nymph に由来します。ドイツの詩人ハイネが睡蓮の花に因んで、「女性はどこまでが天使で、どこからが悪魔なのかわからない。」と慨嘆したように、魔性を秘めた花といい伝えられている所もあります。睡蓮はそれほど美しい花という思いはどこも同じなんですね。

花道を 親娘で巡る 車椅子

Almost no one is in the park because of the coronavirus or because it’s during the day. A wheelchair slowly is moving along the flower path in the park. Maybe they are an old mother and her daughter. Whether they are talking about something or just looking at the flowers, I can feel the gentleness from the wheelchair’s moving. It’s the “summer day” today, but a cool breeze occasionally is blowing. The breeze carries a lovely rose scent from the adjacent rose garden.


見るほどに 一句促す カキツバタ

When looking at iris, most of Japanese people always remember a famous Japanese tanka poem. It is a tanka composed by Narihira Ariwara. If you’re interested in Japanese tankas and hear that it’s a poem about Kakitsubata iris, the first thing that comes to your mind is this poem. This is because almost 100% of school textbooks adopts this tanka. The content of the song is not familiar to high school students, but it is probably adopted because many of the tanka techniques are used in this short poem with 31 sounds. Not only that, but in the old days, seven tankas have been sung in Manyoshu, and until today, they are so familiar that they can be seen everywhere in this season.

から衣 着つつ慣れにし 妻しあれば はるばる来ぬる 旅をしぞ思う


山門が 閉じた夏日も ケシの花

The temple gate remains closed in spite of during the day in mid-May. Today is “the summer day” in addition to the corona shock, so there is no figure. Only the bright red poppy flowers that bloomed in front of the gate are shaking slowly. It’s quiet also in the city, but here I can enjoy the tranquility.


赤一面 咲きに咲きたり 松葉菊

Under the clear sky without clouds, a elegant western-style building standing on a hill is surrounded by bright red Matsubagiku that looks like a castle wall. I’m almost dazzling. Each flower of Matsubagiku is small and looks like a chrysanthemum, but it is a completely different variety from chrysanthemum. The flowers open at dawn and close in the evening. In addition to being resistant to high temperatures and dryness, it grows into large communities, so some of them have been planted in flower beds or stone walls in alleys and have become wild.
