元旦の 準備も万端 里の寺

It feels like New Year’s when we hear heavy snow warnings in various places and that the temperature is around 0 ℃. When I go to a nearby supermarket, there are a lot of New Year’s foods, and the song “How many more sleeps do you have  until New Year … “is played, but not at all many days, just one sleeping, it’s New Year. A lot of Toshikoshi soba (soba noodles traditionally eaten on New Year’s Eve in Japan) is also lined up. There are soba noodles from all over the local country that I haven’t seen before, and the price  of boiled soba noodles, which is usually around 50 yen, is doubled to 90 yen. We can see the usual peaceful scenery, such as eating Toshikoshi soba while listening to “Kohaku Uta Gassen” and going to a nearby temple or shrine for Hatsumoude (the New year’s visit)  when we hear the Joya no kane (Bells rung 108 times at temples around midnight on New Year’s Eve).


雪冠(ゆきこうぶり) 翁を舞うや 金閣寺

The roof of Kinkakuji Temple is covered with snow and is reminiscent of Noh’s “Okina”.  “Okina” is said to be “Noh and not Noh”, and it is one of the most exceptional songs in Noh.  It doesn’t belong to any category and there is nothing telling a story.  It is a sacred ritual, and the performer becomes a god and dances to pray for Tenka-Taihei (All the world is at Peace) and Kokudo-Annon ( peace of the land).  Since it is often performed during celebrations, it is currently the most performed on New Year’s Day.  Kinkakuji Temple changes its appearance every season, but the gray-haired Kinkakuji is dignified, and the figure that does not move and dances “Okina” gives us courage.


ゆめうつつ 出で湯に流す 年の暮

At the end of the year, I feel like I’m a little feeling excited.  I have no plans to prepare for New Year’s Eve, and I have no plans to spend New Year’s Eve, but even so I have a different feeling than usual.  The New Year’s scenery has changed year by year, and the way of receiving it will differ depending on the age group.  It’s good for everyone to get together and go through the year lively, and it’s also good to go through the year quietly and quietly.  I just hope that the new year will be a good one.


餅つきの 昔懐かし 古写真

Four days left.  2020 is about to end.  It was a year of opening in the corona and closing in the corona.  It was exactly 100 years ago that I fell into a pandemic due to the Spanish flu.  The population at that time was about 2 billion, and it is estimated that one-fifth of them, 500 million, were infected and 100 million of them died.  Currently, the world population is 7.7 billion, the number of people infected with coronavirus is 80 million, and the number of deaths is 17.5 million. Therefore, the number of infected people and the number of deaths are roughly calculated to be one-fifth of those at the time of the Spanish flu. All conditions will be different from those days, but the infection is likely to spread.  Looking at the pictures of the rice cake making scenery as a child, although I was poor, the joy of welcoming the New Year revives.


葉牡丹が まあるく並んで 大葉牡丹

Habotan is in season around New Year’s Day, and is displayed as a flower material along with Senryo, Manryo, Ume and Nanten at the entrance of New Year’s Day with Kadomatsu.  Botan (Japanese peony) was displayed in the lunar New Year, but in current the New Year, it doesn’t grow still, and instead, Habotan, which is a little cheaper, is used exclusively.  As you can see, it is said that the cabbage was been improved and is in its current form. It is native to Europe, but it has been improved in Japan and is considered to be one of the “classical garden plants” cultivated since the Edo period.  Habotan is also popular in foreign countries, and is known in English as “Ornamental cabbage” and “Flowering kale”.

葉牡丹はお正月の頃にちょうど旬の時期を迎え、千両や万両、梅や南天などと共に花材として、元旦の玄関に門松と一緒に飾られます。旧正月の頃には縁起の良い牡丹が飾られましたが、新正月になってからは、牡丹は時期的にまだ早く、それに変わって、お値段も少し安い葉牡丹がもっぱら利用されるようになりました。見た目の通り、キャベツから種改良をされ、今の形になっていると言われ、ヨーロッパ原産ですが、日本で改良が進んで、江戸時代から栽培されている「古典園芸植物」のひとつとされています。日本の葉牡丹は外国でも人気があり、英語では「Ornamental cabbage」、「Flowering kale」と呼ばれて、親しまれています。

潮風に 香気が溶けて 和水仙

The earliest blooming daffodils are Japanese daffodils.  Also called Secchuka (a flower in the snow).  It begins to bloom in December and continues to bloom until the cherry blossoms begin to bloom.  The Izu Tsumekizaki in the photo, the Echizen coast in Fukui prefecture, and the communities in Awaji city in Hyogo prefecture are famous, and it is also the prefectural flowers in Fukui prefecture.  The place of origin is near the Iberian Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, but it is said that it was introduced to Japan during the Muromachi period, so you can see Japanese flower lovers here as well.  The scientific name Narcissus comes from an episode in Greek mythology where a young boy, Narcissus, fell in love with her appearance on the surface of the water.  Nowadays, people who exhibit narcissism are called narcissists, and the term narcissists is pervasive.


感染も 感謝に変えたや クリスマス

There was nothing in the socks.  The smartphone that opened says, “The number of new infections with the new coronavirus in Japan was a record high of 3742, and the number of seriously ill people increased by 25 from the previous day to a maximum of 644.”  It is inferred that these viruses would increase in winter,   and so I am worried more because that more severe cold waves will come around New Year’s.  With the collapse of medical care becoming a reality, the number of infected people will decrease a little if people come and go on long vacations, but the medical field will be thin, so what will happen to the results?  It  is a bright sunrise today and it is a good morning for Christmas day.  Gassho so that the light of hope will come out as soon as possible.


少しでも 心明るく クリスマス

As is often said, there are many events of foreign origin in Japan.  The most common events are from China, which are completely familiar to Japanese life and have no awareness of foreign origin.  The other is a Western-origin event that spread rapidly after the war.  The main ones are Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  Above all, Christmas is an event just before the New Year in Japan, and it is completely integrated as a Japanese event.  In Japan, events all over the world are held all year round.  By the way, Christmas in Japan starts around November and ends precisely  on December 25th, but in Christian countries, Christmas is from the 25th to about the 7th of the following year.  It is an event to celebrate the birth of Christ, and the 25th is not the birthday of Christ.  The birthday of Christ is unknown.


クスノキも 剪定終えて 男前

Kusunoki, which is over 10m long in the park, is standing in the blue sky after pruning in the end of the year. In the summer, it has large branches, and when you sit on the bench next to it, the shade is cool and you can smell the unique scent of camphor tree.  Kusunoki is known as a camphor tree, and was used as a material for Buddhist statues during the Asuka period.  Camphor has various medicinal properties and was a necessity as an insect repellent at home.  In Higashimiyoshi-cho, Miyoshi-gun, Tokushima Prefecture, there is a large , which has been designated as a special natural monument.  The tree is thousands of years old, has a root circumference of 19m, and has branches of 45m east-west, 40m north-south, and about 25m high. A large Kusunoki is almost always planted in large shrines and temples, and there is a sacred tree wrapped with Gohei (strips of white paper hung from branches at, or before the altar of, a shrine, or used in Shinto rituals).  Kusunoki has long been popular as a familiar tall tree.

公園の10mを超える楠が剪定を終えて年の瀬の青空にすっくと立っています。夏には大きく枝を張り、傍のベンチに座ると日影は涼しく、楠独特の香りが匂います。楠は樟脳になる香木として知られ、飛鳥時代には仏像の材に使われました。樟脳はいろいろな薬効成分があり、家庭では防虫剤として必需品でもありました。徳島県三好郡東みよし町には、特別天然記念物に指定された大楠があり、樹齢数千余年、根回り19m、枝張りは東西経45 m、南北経40 m、高さ約25 mもあるそうです。大きな神社やお寺には必ずと言っていいほど、大楠が植えられていて、御幣を巻いた神木があります。楠は身近な高木として昔から親しまれてきた訳ですね。

コロナ禍の 年の瀬照らせ シクラメン

At the flower shop, poinsettias, primulas, and cyclamen are lined up.  Among them, cyclamen stands out.  There are bright red things like burning flames, pure white things that are neat and transparent, and pink and purple.  There are various shapes from luxurious large flowers to mini cyclamen.  There is an anecdote that botanist Tomitaro Makino gave the Japanese name Kagaribibana because Takeko Kujo, who is said to be one of the three beauty of the Taisho era, described cyclamen as a “bonfire”.  Only the flower shop is in full bloom in the monotone city where a biting winter wind is blowing.
