There are several shrines called Juge Shrine on both banks of the southern part of Lake Biwa. There is a large shrine called Hiyoshi Taisha in Otsu City at the foot of Mt. Hiei, and Juge Shrine is positioned as the branch shrine. There are Ubusuna shrines in various parts of Japan, and it is customary to visit there for childbirth and home building, and they are all born from the belief in nature. Juge Shrine was also originally Ubusuna shrine, and it was probably named after Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine. A great Buddhist priest named Saicho built Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei and spread the Tendai sect, and Hiyoshi Taisha became the guardian deity, and the branch shrine is Juge Shrine. It is a typical figure of a mixture of gods and Buddha. Nobunaga Oda sees this Tendai sect as an enemy, and all the temples of the Tendai sect are burned down. The area around Lake Biwa is a place where you can pick up the history of Japan.