In the calendar, from the Shoukan(a little cold day) (1/5) to the Risshun(the first spring day) (2/3) is “the Kanchu(during the cold days)”, and it is exactly as the calendar. Now, a cold wave once every few years covers the Japanese archipelago, and the Hokuriku and Tohoku regions are in heavy snow. From now on, winter will deepen toward the Daikan (1/20). In addition to this, the world is in turmoil with a pandemic once in 100 years due to the coronavirus. Japan is on the verge of an infection explosion. We should understand that sharing a sense of crisis and restraining behavior are the most effective measures, rather than any measures. Mt. Fuji on the 7th day of the New Year is a harsh figure, but the appearance is still great and shows the whole view. Ganbare, Japan!