It is a three-day holiday with the Seijin-shiki(the coming-of-age ceremony), Tokaebisu, and the Ko-Shogatsu(the First Full Moon Festival). It’s a great thing, but it’s a three-day holiday that we often can’t be happy to let go. Corona infections are more spreading, and screams can be heard from snowy regions in record-breaking heavy snowfalls. Especially, I feel very sorry for young people who are new adults. The university they enrolled in has only distance classes, and the Seijin-shiki is not really happy, and there are too many situations in which they cannot fly toward their future. Only 12% of new adults answered “yes” to the questionnaire “Do you have any hope for the future?” I think it is important not only to blame the younger generation for the cause of corona infection, but also to pay close attention to the society as a whole and the political leaders who created such a situation.