Robai(Japanese allspice) is in full bloom now. The flowers bloom from December to February, as it is said to have been named after the flowers that bloom in the month of the Ro-month (December of the lunar calendar). It really blooms in the middle of winter. The Robai, which gently snuggles up to you in the cold winter and blooms yellow flowers and gives off a sweet scent like hot water, has long been used in Japanese poems and themes. Even in English, it is called Winter Sweet. Like plums, it is a plant of the Rosaceae family, but it is quite distant. Plum is the pioneering flower of spring, and the pioneering flower of that plum is Robai. Soon, you will touch the plum blossoms, and this spring will finally come.
蝋梅が今花盛りです。臘月(陰暦の 12 月)に 花が咲くことからその名が付いたとも言われているように、12 月から2月にかけて花が咲きます。冬の真っ只中に咲くんですね。寒い冬に心優しく寄り添って、黄色い花と湯上がりの様な甘い香りを放つ蝋梅は、古くから和歌や 画題にもされてきました。英語名でも、Winter Sweet と呼ばれています。梅と同じくバラ科の植物ですが、かなり遠縁です。春の先駆けの花と言えば梅ですが、その梅の先駆けとなる花が蝋梅です。間もなく梅にバトンタッチして、いよいよ今年の春がやって来ます。