Twenty-six years ago, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake struck today, killing nearly 6,500 precious lives. We pray for the souls. On the day when the memory of that time revives vividly, the fruit that seems to be a cherry blossom is spreading in the blue sky. Eventually, when this fruit also falls, it sprouts and young leaves spread in the sky. I feel impermanence and hope in the life that lasts forever. Now, the “The Tale of the Heike” tells us the proverb that “Great talent shows itself early in childhood”, and this proverb has been passed down to this day, but “Sendan” here means “Ofuchi”. There is almost no scent that can be said on the Ofuchi. Sendan originally refers to Byakudan(sandalwood), which is not found in Japan, so Sendan is not found in Japan either. The illusion that the author of The Tale of the Heike thought that the Ofuchi that resembled Sendan was mistaken for Sendan and that the Sendan had a nice scent has been passed down to this day as the saying “Great talent shows itself early in childhood”. That’s right.