端麗な オトメツバキに 三嘆し

I found a small camellia tree in a corner of the promenade where cherry blossom viewers come and go.  Three camellia flowers that are about to drop are in bloom.  This is Otometsubaki.  One of them is wonderful.  The flower with such perfect appearance are rarely seen.  It has petals with pale pink hues and tidy arrangements, which is a beauty that cannot be expressed in any words.  The original species of camellia are in Japan, and they are Yabutdubaki and Yukitsubakiit.  They are now 2,000 types of camellia in natural and artificial mating.  As the flower words “modest splendor” and “unpretentious grace” suggest, Camellia with the glossy green leaves and flower that blooms without completely opening is displayed in the tea room, and there are many lovers all over the world.

花見客が行き交う遊歩道の片隅に小ぶりの椿を見つけました。今にも咲き落ちそうな椿の花が三つ。オトメツバキです。その中の一つが見事です。これほど完璧な姿の花は滅多に見られません。淡いピンクの色合いといい、花びらの付き方といい、どんな言葉でも言い表せない美しさです。ツバキはCamellia Japonicaと言われるように原種は日本にあり、ヤブツバキとユキツバキです。自然交配や人工交配で今では2,000種類ものツバキがあります。「控えめな素晴らしさ」「気取らない優美さ」と言う花言葉通り、光沢のある緑の葉、開き切らずに咲く花は茶室にも飾られ、世界中にも多くの愛好家がいます。