On April 26, 2019, the approximate number of housing and land statistics surveys for 2018 was announced. According to the survey, the number of vacant houses nationwide was about 8.46 million (about 8.2 million in the previous survey), and the ratio of vacant houses to all houses (vacant house rate) was 13.55% (about 13.52% in the previous survey). It seems that each of them exceeded the figures of the previous survey in 2013 and reached a record high. Vacant houses have a negative impact on the surrounding area and the area. There are problems such as landscape deteriorates due to weed growththe, bad odors from unsanitary conditions, and collapse of houses due to aging. In addition, it is said that the risk of crimes such as trespassing and trespassing increases. It also increases the risk of crime and arson inside vacant houses, which affects the security of the surrounding area. Not only that, the vacant house problem actually has a potential risk that many people cannot afford to be unrelated to. For example, if you already own a house and your parents die suddenly, you will have to own one vacant house if you do not want to move, and if the same situation occurs at your spouse’s parents’ house, two houses will be vacant and you will have no choice but to own a vacant house. It is difficult to maintain a vacant house that cannot be sold. Even though you wanted to live a 100-year life calmly, there is a possibility that the problem of vacant houses will suddenly happen to you. The photo was taken in a marginal village in Osaka. The total number of units is less than 20, of which many are vacant houses and most of the residents are elderly.
平成31年4月26日に平成30年住宅・土地統計調査の概数が公表されました。調査によると全国の空き家数はおよそ846万戸(前回調査では約820万戸)、全住宅に占める空き家の割合(空き家率)は13.55%(前回調査では約13.52%)となりました。それぞれ平成25年の前回調査の数値を超え、過去最高を記録したそうです。空き家は、周辺や地域へ悪影響を与えます。雑草が伸びて景観が悪化、不衛生な状態からの悪臭の発生、老朽化による家屋の倒壊などという問題があります。さらに、不法侵入や不法占拠などの犯罪リスクが高くなると言われています。また、空き家内部での犯罪や放火のリスクも高くなるため、周辺の治安にも影響します。これだけはありません。空き家問題は、実は多くの人にとって無縁ではいられない潜在的なリスクがあります。例えば、すでに自分でも持ち家があって、万が一両親が急逝した場合、移り住む気がなければ空き家を一軒抱え込むことになり、さらに配偶者の実家にも同様の事態が起これば、たちまち二軒の空き家を抱え込むことになります。売るに売れなくなった空き家の維持管理は大変です。穏やかに人生100年を送りたいと思っていたのに「空家問題が突如ふってわいてくる事態」になりかねません。写真は大阪のある限界集落で撮ったものです。 全戸数20戸未満のうち空き家が多く、住民のほとんどが高齢者です。