満開も 人影疎らな チューリップ園

In the morning news, I was told that plum blossoms had bloomed in Hakodate, Hokkaido.  The cherry blossoms have already bloomed, and it seems that the cherry blossom season in Hokkaido is about to begin.  In Kansai, Yoshino’s Oku Senbon is in full bloom now.  Meanwhile, information on the best time to see tulips has been arriving from all over Japan.  Like cherry blossoms and roses, tulips also bloom all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa, coloring the spring season.  However, Okinawa has a subtropical climate, so it is not so old that tulips became to be able to be seen.  It was said that tulips do not grow in warm Okinawa because they usually bloom in spring after a cold winter period.  After refrigerating the bulbs and selecting the varieties at the Tropical Dream Center in Okinawa, it seems that the tulips have become to bloom earlier than anywhere else by using the climate of Okinawa.  The best time to see tulips is in January in Okinawa and late May in Hokkaido, and during that time, you can see magnificent tulip scenery all over Japan, so Japan beats even the originator Netherlands in tulips.


黒潮が 朱に染め上げた 金目鯛

Kinme-Dai(Splendid alfonsino) is widely distributed worldwide from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and from the tropics of the Indian Ocean to the temperate regions.  It is a completely different variety from Ma-Dai(red sea bream).  It is widely distributed in the waters near Japan, but it is mainly caught along the Pacific coast from off the eastern coast of Kanto to the Ogasawara Islands and Okinawa.  Among them, the ones caught from off Boso to the Izu Peninsula and around the Izu Islands are landed at Shimoda Port, which is the largest landing volume in Japan.  At Shimoda Port, there are many high-quality, greasy fish in the vicinity of Oshima, and the Kinmedai caught by single fishing is branded as “Ji-Kinme” or “Toro-Kinme” and has become a high-class Kinme-Dai.  The freshly landed Kinme-Dai is bright red and has big eyes and shines golden.  There is a theory that if it is landed in the same color as Ma-Dai in the deep sea, it will turn red, while there is also theory that if it is red in the deep sea, this red will look black and become a protective color.


羽ばたけと コガネノウゼン ラッパ吹き

Kogane-Nohzen is a Japanese name named in 1978.  The tree is native to Brazil and Colombia, and is over 5m tall.  In Brazil, this group is called “Ipe” in Indio’s language, and it is familiar as a national flower like Japanese cherry blossoms.  Introduced in Okinawa Prefecture from Brazil in 1974, it is gradually spreading nationwide, but it is still a rare tree.  In Osaka, it is planted in the Nagai Park Botanical Garden in Osaka City.  In Okinawa, this flower is called “Ippei”, and there is a street called “Ippei-dori”, and there are also festivals.  The Japanese name, Kogane-Nohzen, is written in Kanji as “黄金凌霄” which means “a flower that surpasses Sky”.  The English name is Golden Trumpet Tree, which means “yellow trumpet-shaped flower” and is very easy to understand.  March-April is the best time to see the flowers, and as a flower to celebrate graduates and new students, it is as pleasing as cherry blossoms.

コガネノウゼンは1978年に命名された和名です。ブラジルからコロンビア辺りが原産の樹木で、5m以上になります。ブラジルではインディオの言葉でこの仲間を「イペー」と呼び、国花として日本の桜並みに親しまれています。沖縄県に1974年ブラジルから導入され、徐々に全国に広がりつつありますが、まだまだ珍しい木です。大阪では大阪市の長居公園植物園に植えられています。沖縄では、この花をイッペーと呼び、『イッペー通り』という街路があり、お祭りもあるそうです。和名のコガネノウゼンは漢字で「黄金凌霄」と書き、凌霄は「霄(そら)を凌(しの)ぐ花」と言う意味です。英名はGolden Trumpet Treeで「黄色いラッパ状の花」と言う意味でとても分かり易いです。3〜4月が花の見頃で卒業生、新入生を祝う花として、桜と同じように喜ばれています。

花過ぎて 山吹色の 暖かさ

Yamabuki flowers are in full bloom in the sunny spot of the bush.  Speaking of Yamabuki, I immediately remember Ota Dokan.  When Dokan Ota tries to rent a Mino(straw raincoat) at a farmhouse, the daughter offers a branch of Yamabuki(Japanese kerria) instead of the Mino.  Her daughter responded that there was no Mino, in line with Waka “Seven-folded and double-flowered flowers are blooming, but I am sad that Yamabuki has nothing of the fruits”.   Dokan, who did not know the Tanka, got angry with his daughter and left.  It is well known that Dokan, who was ashamed of his ignorance later, mastered the field of Waka.  Dokan was a warrior in the Warring States period with many anecdotes such as being impressed by a frog trying to jump on a willow and becoming a master of calligraphy.  Dokan also built Edo Castle.  Ota Dokan must have been a military commander who excels in both literary and military arts.  Yamabuki is a flower that has been popular since the time of “Manyoshu”, and the bright reddish Yamabuki color is warm, not pure yellow.  Yamabuki color is also called golden color, and in the Edo period, “Yamabuki” was also a cant word for “bribery koban”.


遅春も もう葉桜の 室生寺

Murouji is a mountain temple located in Murou, deep in the Nara Basin and near the border of Mie Prefecture.  Due to the volcanic terrain of Murou, there are many strange rocks and caves, and the caves were dragon holes, that is, sacred places of ancient religions that gathered the belief of rain as a resident of the dragon god.  Eventually, Nara Buddhism, which was introduced from China, was organized as the Nanto Rikushu, and Murouji was built here as the branch temple of Kofukuji, the main temple of the Hosso sect.  After that, Murouji Temple strengthened the esoteric Buddhism of Heian Buddhism (Shingon Buddhism, Tendai Buddhism), but it was still the branch temple of Kofukuji Temple.  After then, in the Edo period, it became a Shingon sect temple with the backing of Keishoin, the mother of Tsunayoshi Tokugawa. Koyasan, the base of the Shingon sect, was once banned from women, but Murouji, where women were allowed to visit from that time, was given another name, “Women’s Koyasan.”  At the entrance of the mountain gate, which is watched by the red and blue statues of Nio, there is a large stone monument deeply engraved with “Woman Koyasan Murouji”.


ルリジサの マドンナブルーと イチゴ畑

Bright blue-purple flowers are blooming here and there in the strawberry field.  It is a flower of Rurijisa.  The English name is Borage.  The flowers that begin to bloom are pink, but gradually turn into a cool sky blue.  The blue color of borage is also called “Madonna blue” because it was used when drawing the blue garment of the Virgin Mary.  Borage has long been known to have various medicinal properties and is used for food and especially as an herb.  In the West, it is said that knights drank herbal tea to boost morale, but the effect of encouraging people is not an one-side belief, and modern science has confirmed that borage secretes adrenaline against fear and stress and is effective against depression.  In addition, since bees flock to the borage flowers, they are planted for pollination of strawberries and collection of honey.


花水木 咲いて街路は 元気道

Sakura is associated with a samurai, and Hanamizuki is associated with a woman.  Sakura has the magnificence of overwhelming the scenery around them, but Hanamizuki seems to blend in with the scenery around them and bloom gracefully.  The sound of Hanamizuki is very good and has a soothing sound;

“You are a lightly blushing precious one,
I hope the never ending dream
Will finally come to an end
I hope you and your beloved
Last for a hundred years”

“Hanamizuki”, which Hitoto sang the sad feelings, because her friend died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 and the friend had a child, was featured in school textbooks;

“Since its release in 2004, Hanamizuki has become a well-known pop song in Japan. Interestingly enough, however, few listeners recognize in the lyrics Hitoto Yo’s message of peace, believing it is merely a love song.”

“Hanamizuki” is not a lyric love song, but a song with a feeling for peace.
Hanamizuki also has a history of being donated to the city of Tokyo by the wife of the then US President Taft in 1915, in return for Ozaki (then mayor of Tokyo) ‘s donations, cherry blossom saplings, in 1912.
Hanamizuki, a symbol of goodwill between Japan and the United States, expanded its horizons to the “symbol” of “peace” through the song of Ms Hitoto.


「薄紅色の可愛い君のね  果てない夢がちゃんと 終わりますように 君と好きな人が 百年続きますように」


“Since its release in 2004, Hanamizuki has become a well-known pop song in Japan. Interestingly enough, however, few listeners recognize in the lyrics Hitoto Yo’s message of peace, believing it is merely a love song.”


風光る 矢車菊の 立姿

Yaguruma-giku(the cornflowers) begin to bloom as Tango-no-Sekku(the Boys’ Festival) approaches.  At the same time, Koi-nobori(carp streamers) begin to be noticeable.  The arrow wheel on the top of Koi-nobori is ringing in the breeze of spring.  The cornflower native to Southeastern Europe, which has a strong Mediterranean climate, is called cornflower and was originally a weed that blooms in wheat fields.  From the end of April to the beginning of summer, flowers such as blue, purple, peach and white bloom.  Among them, the beauty of bluish purple is called cornflower blue, and it is so much that it is referred to the color of the finest sapphire.  It is displayed on the casket of King Tutankhamen of Egypt, and Marie Antoinette likes to use it for the pattern of Western tableware, and it seems that its noble beauty has been attracting attention from ancient times.


桜散る 池に朧の 聖天堂

Negoroji Temple is located in Iwato City, Wakayama Prefecture.  Kakuban, a priest of Koyasan in the latter half of the Heian period, who was said to be a eminent priest since Kukai, built a hall Temple on Koyasan.  With the faith of Emperor Toba, he tried to rebuild the belief of Koyasan, which had corrupted at that time, and to revive the doctrine of Kukai, the founder of the sect.        However, the priests of Koyasan rebelled against this, and an incident occurred in which the temple of Kakuban Sect was burned down by the opposition in Koyasan.  In the wake of this incident, Kakuban Sect went down Koyasan and moved to the current location of Negoroji Temple.  At the end of the Muromachi period, it became a large temple with 2,700 priest’s houses  and a large military group of more than 10,000 monk soldiers called Negoro-shu.  After then they  built a friendly relationship by cooperating with Nobunaga Oda.  Negoro-shu has become a large armed group that appears in history textbooks, but after that they also confronted Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and finally, due to Hideyoshi’s attack against Saika people (Kishuu conquest), the temple was left with several buildings such as Daishido and Oto, but everything else was burnt down.


甘(うま)しかな 筍ご飯の 美(うま)し国

There are three kanji that apply to Umashi.    It’s “甘し”(sweet), “旨し”(delicious), and “美し”(beautiful).  In modern language, “Umai” means that food is delicious, and “Umai” is a bit vulgar, and men usually use it, but women don’t use it much.  “Oishii” is used by both women and men, and is a slightly more elegant word than “Umai”.  “Oishii” is often written as “美味しい”, but this is a substitute character, probably a phonological change from the Chinese word “hao chi”.  In the old language, “甘し(Umasi)” means this. “Umashi” is also used in modern language to mean “delicious” and means that the food is delicious, but also is used in the style of saying “this picture is well” or “it’s a sweet job”. So we also use “Umashi” by means of that we are satisfied.  “Umashi Kuni(Beautiful country)” is almost an idiom and literally means the most honorific word such as beautiful, wonderful, or elegant. That’s why, the above haiku was read as “Umashi kana Takenoko gohan no Umashi Kuni,” and means, “What a wonderful country Japan to have such delicious bamboo shoot rice!”.

うましには三つの漢字があります。甘し、旨し、美しの三つです。現代語で「うまい」と言えばまず食べ物がおいしいと言う意味で、「うまい」はちょっと下品な言葉で、男性は普通に使いますが、女性はあまり使いません。「おいしい」は女性も男性も使い、「うまい」よりやや上品な言葉です。「おいしい」はよく「美味しい」と書きますが、これは当て字で、恐らく中国語の「好吃(ハオチー)」から音韻変化したものと思われます。古語では「甘し(うまし)」がこの意味を表します。「旨し(うまし)」も現代語で「旨い(うまい)」と言って、食べ物がおいしいと言う意味で使いますが、「この絵は旨い」とか「旨い仕事だ」だとか言う風にも使いますから、「旨し」は満足がいくと言う意味なんでしょう。「美し国(うましくに)」はほぼ慣用語で、文字通り美しいとか、素晴らしいとか、麗しいといった最敬語の意味を持ちます。と言うことで、上の俳句は「うましかな たけのこけのこごはんの うましくに」と読み、「美味しいなあ、この筍ご飯が頂ける、なんと素晴らしい国日本なんでしょう」と詠んだつもりです。