石楠花は ピンクのフリル 優しげに

The flowers of Shakunage(rhododendron) that bloomed in the corner of the park are gorgeous and full of tenderness as the sunlight gets stronger day by day.  It is said that this Shakunage flower, in fact, became popular after the Edo period.  Originally, Shakunage that blooms like sticking to the rocky areas of high mountains is difficult to collect, and even Japanese people who like gardening could not get it.  There is a word “Takane no Hana(too good for me)”, but it is also said to actually refer to this Shakunage flower.  The appearance of beautiful large flowers blooming in tufts is very spectacular, and European plant hunters brought them back from China and improved their varieties, and now they are widely cultivated in Japan under the name of “Western Shakunage”. There are also Shakunage flowers with names such as “President Roosevelt”, “Madame Masson” and “Gene Marie de Montague”, and Shakunage flowers are also said to be the queen of flowers and trees and the king of flowers.


寂し野に ヒオウギズイセン 凛と咲き

When I first met this flower, it was shocking.  It was blooming dignifiedly on the side of a small rusty agricultural lock.  I took a picture with my smartphone immediately and went home and looked it up, but I don’t know the name.  At that time, there was no Google app that could identify the name of the flower.  I really wanted to know, so I went to the Nagai Botanical Garden in Osaka to check it out.  I was shown a photo that it might be Hiohgi-zuisen,  but it’s not too far away, even if it doesn’t hit, so it’s not perfect.  When I went home and researched various things with Hiogi-Zuisen as a hint, I found out that Hiohgi-Zuisen is a Japanese name and it is Watsonia volbonica, which is a kind of Watsonia. This flower has such a hardship story. At that time, smartphones were still in their infancy, and there were few Google apps or useful search sites as they are now. It was blooming in the same place this year as well.


子が鳴らす 花輪の鐘が 澄み渡り

The Spanish flu, which prevailed 100 years ago, from 1918 to 1920, is said to have infected about 600 million people worldwide, of which 20 to 40 million have died.  The number of infected people was 23.8 million in Japan.  Since the population of Japan at that time was 54.73 million, it is said that more than half of the population was infected and the death toll was 220,000 to 380,000.  In terms of case fatality rate, the world was 3-7%, while Japan was 1-2%.  The number of people infected with the new coronavirus in the world is currently 148 million and the number of deaths is 3.12 million.  In Japan, the number of infected people is 570,000 and the number of deaths is 10,000.  In terms of case fatality rate, we can see that the world is 2% and Japan is 1.7%.  This means that in Japan, the case fatality rate of this new coronavirus is higher than the case fatality rate of the Spanish flu.  Past studies, such as the Spanish flu, indicate that the epidemic will not end unless a certain number of people in the population are infected or vaccinated with his citrus to gain immunity.  “A certain number of people” is theoretically 60-70% of the population.  Studies have shown that the Spanish flu infected about 40% of the 55 million Japanese people at the time and ended the epidemic.  The spread of vaccine intake is urgent.

今から100年前、1918年から1920年に流行したスペイン風邪は,全世界で感染者数が約6億人でその内2,000万から4,000万人が死亡したとされています。その時日本では感染者数が2380万人。当時の日本の人口が5473万人だったので、人口の半数以上が感染し、死亡者は22万人から38万人だったと言われています。致死率でいえば、世界が3~7%に対し、日本は1~2%でした。そして今回の新型コロナウイルスによる世界での感染者数は今現在14800万人で死亡者数が312万人、日本では感染者数が57万人で死亡者数が1万人です。致死率で言えば世界が2%で、日本が1.7%であることがわかります。このことから、日本では、スペイン風邪の時の致死率よりも今回の新型コロナウイルスによる致死率が高いということです。スペイン風邪など過去の研究から、集団の中の一定程度の人数が感染するかワ クチン接種をして免疫を獲得しない限り流行は終息しないということです。「一定程度の人数」とは理論的には人口の 60~70%ということです。スペイン風邪では当時の日本人 口 5,500 万人の約 40%が感染し流行が終息したという研究報告があります。ワクチン摂取の普及が急がれるわけです。

お地蔵さん コロナがなんぞと 鯉のぼり

Koinobori(Carp streamer) is swimming high in the blue sky in various places.  It is common to fry a carp with a rotating ball or basket ball at the tip of the rod, an arrow wheel under it, and a windsock at the top, followed by Magoi(father carp), Higoi(mother carp), and Kogoi(child carp), in that order.  The carp streamers fluttering in the nearby park have various patterns instead of scales.  Like the cherry blossoms, the whole country is full of Koinobori, in this season.  What does this identity look like to foreigners?  There will be a positive side and a negative side.  This is the characteristic of Japanese culture.  The surprisingly low number of people infected with corona is probably the result of this positive aspect of identity.  The fate of Japan in the 21st century depends on how much diversity is achieved in this identity.


主人なき 家に寄り添う 赤ツツジ

On April 26, 2019, the approximate number of housing and land statistics surveys for 2018 was announced.  According to the survey, the number of vacant houses nationwide was about 8.46 million (about 8.2 million in the previous survey), and the ratio of vacant houses to all houses (vacant house rate) was 13.55% (about 13.52% in the previous survey).  It seems that each of them exceeded the figures of the previous survey in 2013 and reached a record high. Vacant houses have a negative impact on the surrounding area and the area.  There are problems such as landscape deteriorates due to weed growththe, bad odors from unsanitary conditions, and collapse of houses due to aging.  In addition, it is said that the risk of crimes such as trespassing and trespassing increases.  It also increases the risk of crime and arson inside vacant houses, which affects the security of the surrounding area. Not only that, the vacant house problem actually has a potential risk that many people cannot afford to be unrelated to.  For example, if you already own a house and your parents die suddenly, you will have to own one vacant house if you do not want to move, and if the same situation occurs at your spouse’s parents’ house, two houses will be vacant and you will have no choice but to own a vacant house.  It is difficult to maintain a vacant house that cannot be sold.  Even though you wanted to live a 100-year life calmly, there is a possibility that the problem of vacant houses will suddenly happen to you.  The photo was taken in a marginal village in Osaka. The total number of units is less than 20, of which many are vacant houses and most of the residents are elderly.

平成31年4月26日に平成30年住宅・土地統計調査の概数が公表されました。調査によると全国の空き家数はおよそ846万戸(前回調査では約820万戸)、全住宅に占める空き家の割合(空き家率)は13.55%(前回調査では約13.52%)となりました。それぞれ平成25年の前回調査の数値を超え、過去最高を記録したそうです。空き家は、周辺や地域へ悪影響を与えます。雑草が伸びて景観が悪化、不衛生な状態からの悪臭の発生、老朽化による家屋の倒壊などという問題があります。さらに、不法侵入や不法占拠などの犯罪リスクが高くなると言われています。また、空き家内部での犯罪や放火のリスクも高くなるため、周辺の治安にも影響します。これだけはありません。空き家問題は、実は多くの人にとって無縁ではいられない潜在的なリスクがあります。例えば、すでに自分でも持ち家があって、万が一両親が急逝した場合、移り住む気がなければ空き家を一軒抱え込むことになり、さらに配偶者の実家にも同様の事態が起これば、たちまち二軒の空き家を抱え込むことになります。売るに売れなくなった空き家の維持管理は大変です。穏やかに人生100年を送りたいと思っていたのに「空家問題が突如ふってわいてくる事態」になりかねません。写真は大阪のある限界集落で撮ったものです。 全戸数20戸未満のうち空き家が多く、住民のほとんどが高齢者です。

野に山に 咲きしアザミの わが想い

At this time of spring, Azami(thistle flowers) were always in bloom in the fields and mountains wherever I went.  And whenever I looked at this flower, I found myself unconsciously crooning “Azami no Uta”.  The poem is written by Hiroshi Yokoi, who was 18 years old when he was demobilized in 1945, and made his ideal female image on Azamithe flowers blooming in the field at the Yashima Plateau in Shimosuwa, where he was evacuated.  It was adopted by NHK’s radio song and was broadcast from August 8, 1945, and has been singing since then.  Azami flowers were blooming beside the walking path today as well. When I read the poems that flow while listening to “Azami no Uta” on YouTube, I feel myself overlapping with this song.

春のこの時期、野に山に、どこに行っても必ずアザミの花が咲いていました。そして思わず口遊むのが「あざみの歌」。詩は、昭和20年(1945)に復員してきた当時18歳の横井弘氏が、疎開先の下諏訪の八島高原で、野に咲くアザミの花に自分の理想の女性像をだぶらせて綴ったものといわれます。NHKのラジオ歌謡に採用され、昭和24年(1945)8月8日から放送され、以来今に至るまで歌い続けられています。 今日も散歩道の傍らにアザミの花が咲いていました。YouTubeで「あざみの歌」を聴きながら流れる詩を読んでいると、あらためて我が身が重なる思いがします。


馥郁と 滝の如くに 山の藤

There are two types of wisteria in Japan, Yamafuji, which grows naturally in mountains all over Japan except Hokkaido, and Fuji (also known as Nodafuji), which grows naturally in western Japan west of Kinki.  Yamafuji has a deep purple flower color and a short, chunky shape, while the color of the flowers of Fuji is light purple to reddish purple, and the inflorescences hang down for a long time, sometimes exceeding 1 meter.  These two kinds are mixed in the Kansai area.  Fuji is a wide variety of products with human intervention.  The biggest difference between Fuji and Yamafuji is how to wind the vines, Fuji is left-handed and Yamafuji is right-handed.  However, the problem is complicated, and there are some that explain the opposite. Yamafuji is a plant that is distributed in low mountains and forests and wraps around large trees to climb, but this can cause the wrapped plants to die.  The fertile Yamafuji can interfere with the photosynthesis of other plants to tight and knock down.  Due to its high fertility, its distribution is gradually expanding.


日が落ちて 勿忘草が 浮かぶ道

A day when the brilliance of the sun becomes stronger and stronger.  On the way home from enjoying the colorful flowers blooming in the park, a group of forget-me-nots that shine brightly in a corner of the bush is in bloom.  Forget-me-nots when the sun goes down and it is getting darker are more noticeable than in the daytime.  The last word “Vergiss-mein-nicht!” left by the main character Rudolph in the legend of the tragic love of medieval Germany for his lover Bertha becomes “Foget-me-not” and further becomes “Wasure-na-gusa”.  In Germany as well as in Western countries, it has been widely known as a symbol of fraternity and sincerity since ancient times, and in the United States, it is also the state flower of Alaska.  The Japanese translation of “Forget-me-not” was by Takiya Kawakami, a botanist from the Meiji era.  There are many songs around the world with the title of forget-me-not.


藤の香が 宇治の焙炉(ほいろ)に 溶ける頃

At Byodo-in Temple in Uji, a World Heritage Site, wisteria flowers are in full bloom one week earlier than usual.  On the north side of Hoh-Oh-Doh(the Phoenix Hall), four old trees, about 300 years old, have branches spread out on a 20-meter square wisteria trellis.  The flower cluster is about 20,000, and the weeping wisteria, which is about 1 meter long, makes the vermilion Phoenix Hall stand out even more.  Uji is a town where the scent of Uji tea drifts throughout the town.  The faces of many writers, tanka poets, haiku poets and painters who have visited this area in the past come to mind when going around Byodo-in Temple, where the sweet scent of wisteria blends into the fragrant scent of Uji tea.


花の名が ナンジャモンジャとは これナンじゃ

The name is interesting. In Kansai, when you say “what is this?”, you say “Nanja korewa?”, and when you say “you are an excellent person,” you say “Omae wa taishita monja”.  After all, during that everybody asked “What kind of flower is this flower?”, the word of that question would have become the name of the flower as it is. In the Meiji era, there was this Nanja-Monja tree along the road of Aoyama Parade Ground (now Meiji)  Jingu Gaien) in Tokyo, and nobody know the true name. Whenever anyone asked about this tree, everyone answered that it is Nanja-Monja.  Nanja-monja is a commonly used name and the official name is Hitotsuba-tago. This is also an strange name, and it is a flower that looks just like Gohei(a sacred wand with strips of white paper) used by the priest at the shrine. In fact, it is said that it was a  flower used in Shinto rituals in the past, so it may be the source of Gohei.

呼び名がおもしろい。関西では「これは何ですか」と言うのを「なんじゃこれは」と言ったり、「あなたは秀でた人です」を「お前はたいしたもんじゃ」と言ったりしますが、この「なんじゃ」と「もんじゃ」が合成された呼び名です。さしづめ「この花は何と言う花ですか」と言ったところから付けられたのでしょう。明治時代、東京の青山練兵場 (今の明治神宮外苑)の 道路沿いに このなんじゃもんじゃの木があり、 名前がわからなかったので 「何の木じゃ?」とか 呼ばれているうちに いつのまにか 「なんじゃもんじゃ?」 という変わった名前になったと言うのが通説のようです。ナンジャモンジャは通称で正式名称はヒトツバタゴです。これも分かり難い名で、神社で神主さんがお祓いに使う御幣そっくりの花です。実際、昔は神事に使われた花だそうですから、御幣の元かもしれません。